Hey Jesus Image Family!
We wanted to give you an update regarding our upcoming Sunday services. Due to the aftermath of Hurricane Ian, Lake Brantley High School is unavailable this Sunday, and the old OCC building is still having power issues, so for this weekend only (10/2), we will NOT be gathering in person. With that said, we would love to have you join us this Sunday as we host both our Sunday morning and Sunday evening services online. Services will be held at our usual times, 10 am and 6 pm EST; you can join our online services here!
We will resume our in-person services next Sunday, October 9th!
As your church family, we want you to know that we love you and are here for you. If you need prayer or any assistance from the storm, please contact us at info@jesusimage.tv, and our team will follow up with you.
Sincerely, the Jesus Image Team